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There is no-one more dedicated to the land and its crops than our farmers...
Golden Valley Fruit Packing Inc. is a family-run business, producing quality, locally grown products since the 1980's. Since our arrival in the Yuba-Sutter area, the members of Golden Valley have been pioneers in the farming industry, and are now known as one of the largest packers of private label prunes. We offer full service - from growing the fruit to drying and packing, and shipping it to any destination - all at competitive prices. Golden Valley Fruit Packing was launched to ensure that our commitment to excellence in food quality and safety is carried through to the end-user. Farming is not just about watering some trees and picking its crops - it requires a serious commitment to long hours of challenging work and research in cultivating and sustaining the land for rich crop production. One of our most important objectives is to find ways to deliver better tasting fruit with high color, in a uniform, consistent pack. This involves a heavy investment of people and technology to develop improved growing techniques, tighter quality control procedures, and the limited use of environmentally approved fungicides and pesticides. A vital part of our total program is the development and introduction of new patented varieties, and an ongoing plant replacement program to ensure the availability of the best varieties throughout the season.
Check out these pictures from harvest season at Golden Valley Fruit Packing!

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